
글로벌 링크

An open council that makes its citizens happy through communication and cooperation

We will make Seocho District Council a council
that serves its citizens to the fullest.

Seocho-gu council


petition Information

Residents have the right to express opinions or requests to public organizations, enforcement organizations and the District Council.

They may also seek relief when they deems that their rights or interests are violated. This system is done by petition. Petition refers to and agenda submitted to district office. Petitions submitted to the district office are a matter for delibetaion and resolution by the regional council. Matters to be handled at the regional self-governing organization are transferred to the head of the organization. The head of the organization should report on the results of this process. The administrator shall not be obligated to implement any adopted petition(appeal), but should full respect it.

How to write a petition(from)

The difference between petition and appeal lies only in whether a member is the one to introduce it.
Otherwise the process in the same. Petitions without introduction by one or more members are referred to as appeals.
Deliberating process for an appeal is same apart from the presence of and introducing of member

Petition processing procedure

Submission of petition
  • Specify the cause and purpose of petition with introduction of a council member
Receipt of petition
  • Receipt of petition : Contents in interference with trial or in violation of laws
Forwarded to and examined
by the appropriate committee
  • Member introducing petition the purpose of petition upon request of general meeting or the appropriate committee
  • When decided that it is not necessary to make a submission to the general meeting, report the result of process to the chairman. he/she will in turn notify it to the petitioner
Attach opinion letter of petition for
matters to be dealt with by the
administrator, and send to administrator
Administrator processes the petition and
mediately reports results to the council
Council notifies the petitioner the
results of processing